Anandam: Infinite bliss, perfect mental peace; the transcendental state beyond pain and pleasure which characterizes Self-Realization or God-Realization. It is considered the goal of bhati (development and progress), of individuals and of society.
Asti: Existence. In PROUT this encompasses the existential necessities of living beings and of society.
Bhati: Development and progress. In PROUT this encompasses the six factors necessary for social development and progress – spiritual philsophy, spiritual practice, socio-economic theory, social outlook, scriptures and preceptor.
Dharma: Innate purpose; for human beings, spirituality is their dharma.
Ks’attriya: The varna or social class which displays the warrior mentality; i.e. the class consisting of career soldiers, police, athletes, explorers, etc.
Pragati: Progress; movement which is leading toward betterment.
Sadvipra: An ideal human being. One whose every effort is for the attainment of anandam and the betterment of society; one who by virtue of tremendous capacity can accelerate the movement of the social cycle, thus minimizing the scope for an exploitative social order to develop. A Sadvipra also embodies the virtues of each varna.
Sama Samaja Tattva: The Principle of Social Equality; i.e. the principle of the basic equality and unity of all human beings in spite of tremendous diversity.
Samaj: Society. Also refers to a socio-economic unit meeting certain other requirements (see Chapter Seven), such as having a thriving local culture, progressive government, and a Proutistic economic structure.
Shastras (Dharma, Darshana, Samaja): Spiritual, philosophical, and social scriptures.
Shu’dra: The varna or social class which displays a lack of mental vibrancy or higher aspirations; the uneducated masses.
Tantra Yoga: The science of expansion; the path which leads to the liberation of the self. This refers to the spiritual science incorporating intuitional practices (meditation and concentration), leading to the attainment of spiritual fulfillment (anandam).
Varna: Literally, “color.” In PROUT, this refers to one of the four psycho-social classes (shudra, ks’attriya, vipra, and vaeshya), who make up human society.
Vaeshya: The varna or social class which excels in the production, accumulation and management of resources; i.e. entrepreneurs, traders, industrialists, capitalists, etc.
Vipra: The varna or social class characterized by engagement in mental pursuits; i.e. intellectuals, clergy, government ministers, artists, etc.